Frost Advisory #235 – What You See Depends Upon Where You Stand

Last week we chatted about the power of Christmas programming. This week I’m going to dig a little deeper.

One air talent responded, “Thank you… this helps me as Christmas music is driving me crazy.”

Another said, “I’m scared we’re going to lose more fans than we attract new listeners.”

Still another said, “I know we’re known for Christmas music but let’s just try something new.”


“Each person has a different set of biases and values and assumptions, and those world views are influenced by their parents, their schools, the places they live and the experiences they’ve had to date.

Their worldview is the lens they use to determine whether or not they’re going to believe a story. The lens your consumers use shows them a different version of reality than it shows you or your colleagues or your others customers.” Seth Godin

Back in my deejay days I worked for a station that played the #1 song every hour. Every hour, I said. No one inside the radio station would have suggested it, and those of us on the air were ready to pull our hair out. But the listeners loved it. I mean, LOVED IT. The radio station was a huge success and became the prototype for dozens of successful stations across the country.

What you see depends upon where you stand.

If one is standing still, one sees AHEAD STOP.

If one is speeding down a bicycle path one sees STOP AHEAD.

Are these spray painted letters intended for someone standing still or someone speeding down a bicycle path? It makes all the difference.

If you want to do the right thing for your listeners do your best to understand their perspective.

Hint: I guarantee it is NOT the same as yours.

John Frost

John has been a successful major market DJ and Program Director for such companies as CBS, Gannett, Cap Cities, Westinghouse, Multimedia, and Sandusky and publishes the Frost Advisory.

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