Turning Passion On It’s Head Continued

Instead of, “do what you love,” perhaps the more effective mantra for the entrepreneur, the linchpin and maker of change might be, “love what you do.”

If we can fall in love with serving people, creating value, solving problems, building valuable connections and doing work that matters, it makes it far more likely we’re going to do important work.” – Seth Godin


I guess this is the non-musical version of, “If you can’t be with the one you love, love the one you’re with.”

I run into so many people who aren’t happy in their jobs.  The explanations run from wishing they didn’t have to deal with other people to a boss who makes their life miserable (or just doesn’t know what he or she is doing) to some version of “the people I work with are idiots.”  Only rarely do they realize that their happiness lies inside them, not outside them.  No one else can make you happy, only you can.

An important part of that is loving what you do.  Again, it’s what’s inside that counts, not what’s outside.  We might feel like we’re being oppressed or miserable, but it’s under our own control.  An uncomfortable conclusion, but you can always leave, and pursue what you love.

It’s especially troubling when the person is a part of leadership.  When leadership is unhappy and feels like everything is bad, it trickles down into everyone else.  They’re looking for their happiness from someone else, and it’s not going to happen.  It’s important to understand that leadership is supposed to provide inspiration and happiness to their people.  Leadership should help people grow their passion, not kill it.  Yeah, sometimes that sucks, but it’s the job you’ve chosen to handle.

Alan Mason

Alan is an active contributor to the industry, featured speaker at conventions, published in trade magazines and publishes Mason's Morning Minute.