Tommy Kramer Coaching Tip #340 – Hire Class Clowns

A great rule of thumb for finding air talent is to hire people that were “Class Clowns” in school.

The mere fact that someone was willing to take on that role denotes Confidence, and wanting to have Fun.  A great radio station needs both in order to succeed.

When I was a kid, I was a class clown, BUT it was never intended to disrupt the class, only to make it more enjoyable.  I didn’t butt in or interrupt the teacher, and didn’t just say something stupid or something to draw attention to myself.  I just looked at it like there were things being said that needed a comment.

Relating this to my wife one night not long ago, I said, “But some teachers – unbelievably – didn’t seem to WANT to do a team show.”

That made her spit the water she was drinking about three feet into the air.

And THAT, my friend, is what makes a valid air talent.

Frost Advisory #485 – Won’t You Be My Neighbor?

It only takes one person to inspire a world of kindness.

“Won’t You Be My Neighbor?” was birthed in the movie theaters Thanksgiving weekend juxtaposed to a world of impeachment hearings and social media blame-gaming. This simple idea of being kind to others triggers an innate emotional truth that reminds me of one of my favorite quotes from C. S. Lewis.

“That we can even ponder the meaning of life means there is a meaning of life.”

A recent blog from Mark Ramsey urged Christian radio stations to consider Mr. Rogers’ desire to have his show be “inclusive and welcoming to all, including those who might be turned off by abject religious references. ‘You don’t need to speak overtly about religion in order to get a message across,’ he [Fred Rogers] said.”

Dwell on that for a moment: “You don’t need to speak overtly about religion in order to get a message across.”

Mark summarizes, “Inclusivity is what magnifies your reach, your cume, and your impact.”

I’d like to drill down into three ways your station can make this happen:

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Tommy Kramer Coaching Tip #338 – It’s Not the Control Room Show

At industry functions or during market visits, I’m often asked “Where do you start?” Especially by young air talents.

Here’s the answer: It’s not the Control Room Show. It’s the CAR show. That’s where the listener is. Picture his or her environment, then place yourself IN it.

Little tiny things can destroy that feeling. Here are just three examples…

Saying “out there” (like “out there in Plano”) or any “there”-type references, like “up in x” or “down in x.” This just tells the Listener that he or she is somewhere ELSE, and you’re in a little room, miles and miles away.

Talking “plural”. This takes away from you and me, in the car. Examples: “For all the listeners,” “if any of you,” “some of you…” etc. Talk to ME. ONE person.

Generic Content. I don’t CARE what happened to someone in Wyoming unless I live in Wyoming. As the great Lee Abrams points out, no station seems to be claiming the city, like “Chicago’s…(name of the station)” anymore.
I can’t understand why anyone would give up the local connection voluntarily. Be from HERE, and be PROUD of that.

And be right here with me, in my car…or not. Your choice.
(Choose wisely.)

– – – – – – –
Tommy Kramer
Talent Coach
214-632-3090 (iPhone)
Member, Texas Radio Hall of Fame
© 2019 by Tommy Kramer. All rights reserved.

Frost Advisory #484 – ‘Tis The Season To Be Boring

I couldn’t believe what I heard. It was a spot for a Christmas concert and they listed the songs they would be play.

Data. Data. Data.

No other format can touch such a deep place in the heart as ours, and yet we often sound like an IRS tax form as we convey data, data, data about this and that.

There is no promotion so brilliant that it can’t be made utterly ineffective by a laundry list of features.

Our goal shouldn’t be to inform listeners of all the facts; our goal should be to help our listeners care.

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Tommy Kramer Coaching Tip #337 – Like Your Job…and Win

Consider this:

The people who seem the most joyous, and that love their jobs, are the ones we want to listen to.

By and large, we don’t tune in to be bummed out.  And you don’t even have to be funny; just happy.

Look at it this way – you get paid for moving AIR around.  You SHOULD be happy about that.  (Other people actually WORK for a living.)

We got into radio because it seemed like it would be fun, and it seemed easy.  No one thinks “Let me find the hardest, piece-of-crap job I could possibly do, and then do THAT for the rest of my life.”  We all pretty much move by “lines of least resistance.”

You’d be surprised at how many people would gladly swap jobs with you right NOW.

Frost Advisory #483 – It’s Beginning To Sound A Lot Like Christmas

“Christmas isn’t going away, and we’re going to have this discussion every year.”

Two decades ago I remember saying those words to my talented friends Jim Hoge and Dean O’Neal at Z88.3 in Orlando. I remember saying them because we DO have that discussion every year. With every station.

Their situation was unique in that the Z was on a fast growth curve, and it was rare for a Christian station to abandon its regular format and play nothing but Christmas tunes. Besides, there was already a mainstream AC doing all Christmas and they were #1 in the market. (That AC program director was also a tall, skinny kid from west Texas with an ever so manly radio voice).

Within a few years not only had the Z more than tripled its weekly 6+ cume, but had tied the Mainstream AC station in Women 25-54 shares.

Obviously Christmas music wasn’t the only reason for the Z’s remarkable growth, but clearly Jim and Dean seized an opportunity to transform the format’s biggest competitive disadvantage (playing generally unfamiliar music) into a competitive ADvantage.

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Tommy Kramer Coaching Tip #336 – The First Thing You Say

The first thing out of your mouth when you open the mic often determines how long someone will listen to you – or if they’re hearing you at all.  Almost instantaneously, the Listener will either connect with you… or not.  So here’s a tip that almost every air talent ignores:

MATCH THE MUSIC to automatically glue yourself to the Listener’s ear.
If the song is slow and quiet, but you come out loud and blasting words, that’s TOTALLY WRONG.

Fast song = upbeat delivery that matches that rhythm.
Slow song = “right in the pocket” delivery that matches that song’s pace.

Second level thought:  Feel the Emotion of the song, and start right there, as if you’re into it.

From that beginning, you can go anywhere else you need to go.  But DON’T start like you just threw your headphones on because the song was ending.  If you sound like you were just texting or looking at your Facebook page one second ago, you won’t get the result you want.

The listener can feel when you’re engaged and in the moment… and when you’re not.

And remember that you CAN’T feel if the listener is engaged or not.  Pull that person toward you by being a PART of what he/she is hearing first.

Frost Advisory #482 – A Programming Lesson For Veterans Day

“You’re off the air,” the caller alerted me. We had no air monitor at my first radio station so we depended on listeners to let us know. I’M NOT MAKING THIS UP, as Dave Barry would say. It happened so regularly that anytime I heard the phone ring in the outer office my Pavlovian response was to immediately peek to see if the carrier was on. Our little 500-watt radio station probably had more watts than listeners but fortunately a few of them cared enough to call.

Does anyone care? Are we doing enough? Is it making a difference?

It’s tempting to think that our tools define who we are. The carpenter is defined by his hammer; the accountant by his spread sheets, the radio station by its wacky deejays and 40-minute music sweeps. (BTW, almost all programming discussions default to how we use our tools.)

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